Sony has released the PS+ free games for August 2017. So, PlayStation Plus members can head to the PS+ section on the Store app on the console, and get their freebies right now.

The highlight of this month’s free games is Just Cause 3, from Square Enix. The open world, sandbox, shoot em’ blow em’ up game is the sequel to the PC/PS3' hit Just Cause 2, also featuring Rico Rodriguez as the protagonist. It is a bit difficult to believe that Sony is actually giving this game away.
The next best game in the bundle, is Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry, which allows you to access the single-player DLC portion of a section of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
Downwell is a one button game, which controls how fast you fall down a well, dodging obstacles, enemies, etc while allowing you to unlock upgrades. Downwell is a crossplay title on the PS4 and the PS Vita. And you can also get another crossplay game in Super Motherload, a digging adventure game available for PS3 and the PS4.
Other games in the PS+ August free games package is the stealth based Level 22 for the PS3, and Snakeball for PS Vita, which is the 3D version of the classic game Snake