Technology, Smartphones, Games

Feedburner cant use a deleted feed id issue

I have burned my feeds in the feed burner (even before Google bought it). Later all my feeds are imported to Google servers by Google itself. Few days back i just deleted one of my feed and tried to create a feed with same id, but i failed. It was sh... [More]

Google new service Knol comparison with Wikipedia

Google is introduced a new service Knol like Wikipedia. But there are some feature differences with Knol and Wikipedia. 1. You can use your AdSense with Knol 2.  There may be multiple pages per topic (multiple authors can add multiple pages f... [More]

Orkut Lightest version

Orkut introduced a light version for those who are accessing it from low bandwidth Internet connection. (Click to see larger picture) This is too light and loading very fast, this will display a small image instead of photos, and clicking on that... [More]

Add AdSense for Search in .net pages

If you are trying to add AdSense for Search in your aspx (ASP.NET) pages, this will not work, since the aspx page already have a form tag and similarly  the code which is given by the Google. So I don’t know whether this is the proper method to... [More]

Blogengine and Googlemail (Gmail)

I just moved from godaddy to reliabehost, so i was using Godaddy’s relaying for sending mails (SMTP in settings). Now am using google apps for my mail service, so wanted to change the settings, but what ever things I tried to change the test mail sen... [More]

Mark as Read or delete Spam automatically - Gmail

Click on images to see bigger images. 1. Login to Gmail. 2. Click the Create a filter link. 3. Type “in: spam” (without the quotes) into the Has the words field. 4. Click the Next Step button. 5. Click OK to ignore the warn... [More]