Technology, Smartphones, Games

iPhone and iPad Security flaw – Update your devices

Apple released a new iOS update which will upgrade your devices to iOS 7.06. This update fixes a major security threat to iPhone and iPad users. The Security flaw allows a hacker to access and modify data protected by SSL/TLS. A user who have acces ... [More]

Wallpaper Fix – Fix your iPhone wallpaper– Free now

When you set a wallpaper on your iPhone, you will be missing an option to edit the wallpaper according to the iPhone settings. The iPhone allows you to Zoom in or out, but it really misses some cool features like preview, rotate etc. Wallpaper Fix i... [More]

Facebook Paper–How to get it outside US

Facebook is celebrating its 10th birthday. The new application launched for the iOS devices named Paper on this occasion. This application looks really good and seems to be the future Facebook applications will look like the same. The “Paper – storie... [More]